Tompkins County Public Library

Monday, February 25, 2013

Facebook page for ESL at TCPL

Hi everyone,

We have a new facebook page for ESL at TCPL. It is at .

What do you think would be easier to use - Blogger or Facebook? How many use Facebook?

We can keep both the blog and the facebook page, but so many people already have facebook accounts, perhaps it would catch on faster.

If people "like" the facebook page, we will be able to get a good idea of this.

Hope to see you on Wednesday, February 27th - we'll be talking about how we learn languages.  Do you think you  have a different personality in English than in your first language?


  1. Please continue the blogspot. Not all of us "like" Facebook! Joyce White

  2. Hi Joyce,
    I understand! Thanks for letting us know how you feel.

    1. Hi,
      Both works for me. By the way, thank you very much for your kind conversation and for your time! See you next wednesday,

  3. Thank you! Hope the weather is better too!

  4. Hi there! Starting to plan lesson on Health/wellness and medical care. So much information to cover! If people have questions, perhaps they could let me know.

    So far the categories of possibilities for medical care alone are: filling out forms, insurance, Emergency room visits, patient rights (HIPPA and consent for exams) dental exams, kinds of doctors, setting up appointments/new patient intake...

    Lets see what I come up with in this enormous topic!


Leave a comment and we'll post it as soon as we can!